A Domain Name System or simply DNS is a way to convert human-readable domain names into IP addresses which machines can understand and process. It is often referred to as “computer phone book”. The major difference between a DNS and Phone book is that phone books do not update themselves. A DNS can dynamically change it’s settings to link users to machines even when some low-level network configuration is changed. Users benefit from that when they enter a website URL and instantly get redirected to a desired resource without doing manual set-up.

Public DNS servers

Most users use a public DNS server without ever knowing it. Most of those come as a default value in the appropriate field. That means you most likely use a public DNS server if you connect to your home WiFi network or go out and do it in a restaurant.

The issue with most DNS servers is that beside doing their primary job they often cache a lot of sensitive information and store it for who knows how long. An average DNS server has cached info about which IP’s connect to certain domains, which e-mail addresses are used to send a letter to certain addresses and other sensitive info which some users would prefer not to reveal.

List VPN Services with DNS Leak Protection

Having User security and privacy as priority. Top vpn providers offer dedicated DNS servers for every users. That means you can still connect to the Internet in a regular manner and not worry about your info as we do not store any user activity on our servers.

RankProviderPrice/MonthGo To Website
NordVPN Review
PureVPN Website
Expressvpn Review
Vyprvpn Review
PIA Review

To use  Secure DNS you have to manually insert it into your OS network settings. You can also use a Secure DNS as a part of VPN service for free which uses Secure DNS by default.